Amazing Facts About Biology

Fact # 1
Did you ever wonder why the colour of our blood is red? Here’s the answer - the iron present in our blood forms a ring of atoms called porphyrin, the shape of this structure produces the red colour. The shape of the porphyrin is affected by the presence of oxygen in your body.
Fact # 2
An adult human body is made up of ± 100 trillion cells. Surprised! Then hold your guts for another one. These cells can be differentiated into 200 different types with diverse forms.
Fact # 3
Human bone is an excellent example of a perfect architecture. The femur that supports the weight of our body during walking is more powerful when compared to a solid concrete of the same weight.
Fact # 4
Our bone marrow produces 260 billion red blood cells (RBCs) and 135 billion white blood cells (WBCs) per day.
Fact # 5
Have you ever wondered that when you go to a doctor, why he checks your tongue with a torch at the first instance? The reason is, our tongue acts as a mirror of our health. Certain diseases have the tendency to change the colour of your tongue.
Fact # 6
How many alveoli make up the human lung? The answer is 300 million. And the estimated alveolar surface area is about ± 100 times wider than the surface of the human body.
Fact # 7
Thirst not only occurs when the body loses a lot of fluids but also occurs due to increased levels of salt in the blood. The reason being salt tends to bind water.
Fact # 8
What’s the largest organ of the human body? Quite surprising, but the answer is your skin.
Fact # 9
Did you know about the world’s smallest snake? If no, then here’s the answer - the Barbados Thread snake.
Fact # 10
The relation between your thumb and your nose is - the length of your thumb is equal to the length of your nose.
Fact # 11
Want to know the meaning of different eye gazes? Different studies and researches have proved that when the human eyes find something attractive, the pupils raise, and if it sees something less-attractive the pupils dilate.
Fact # 12
Every nucleus in the human body has DNA of 6 feet long.
Fact # 13
Magnetoreception is a type of magnetic compass present in some migratory birds that help them navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field.
Fact # 14
The jaw is one of the strongest parts of the human body when it comes to exerting force.
Fact # 15
Curious to know how dolphins sleep? Then, here you go, dolphins sleep half awake. They keep one eye open while they consciously breathe and float on the water surface.
Fact # 16
The ostrich egg is the biggest in the world. It equals to the volume of as much as 30 chicken eggs.
Fact # 17
The life of an eyelash is no more than 5 months.
Fact # 18
Did you know, the power generated by our brain is enough to illuminate a bulb? Yes, it is at the time when we’re awake.
Fact # 19
What is the largest flower in the world? Rafflesia Arnoldii. It can grow as big as an umbrella.
Fact # 20
Now, that you know about the world’s largest flower, you must also know about the world’s smallest flowering plant, Wolffia. One full bouquet of its flowers fits on the head of a push pin.
Fact # 21
Armadillos spend about 80% of their life asleep! Did you know?
Fact # 22
How do ants eat? Want to know? Ants cannot chew their food, they move their jaws sideways like scissors to extract the juices from the food.
Fact # 23
Babies born with farsightedness. They start to focus properly only between 3 to 6 months of age.
Fact # 24
Human life expectancy would increase by 9.78 years if all the major cardiovascular diseases were eliminated.
Fact # 25
In seahorses, the male gives birth to a young one.
Fact # 26
Do you know that messages from the human brain, travel all along the nerves at up to 200 miles an hour?
Fact # 27
Do you know human’s nose and ears they do not stop growing?
Fact # 28
Did you know that human’s little finger has over 50% of the hand’s strength?
Fact # 29
It is a fact that in a human mouth there are more bacteria than there are in the world.
Fact # 30
Taste buds cannot be seen with naked eyes, the little bumps that are there on a human tongue are papillae; the rest on top are taste buds.


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